Sunday, December 5, 2010

gratitude, day 5

As I stretched lazily this morning, I thought "today's gratitude post will be clean sheets". A small thing, but somehow a joy nonetheless.

I promptly followed that thought by dumping half my coffee on the bedding.
I had to laugh at the timing. And another load of laundry gets added to the day.

It has been a lovely, lazy rainy Sunday despite that abrupt beginning.

Today I am grateful for ...
clean sheets (and being able to do laundry whenever I want).
the promise of soup for dinner (and the fact that El Bandito is a fabulous cook).
getting some freelance projects finished ahead of deadline.

But more than any of those, nice as they are?

the walk I had with El Bandito this afternoon, strolling in the drizzle (and then the rain), watching the waves and the birds and dogs frolicking in the surf. My shoes are wet and the damn ankle brace is a little muddy, but it was a wonderful way to spend an hour of my lazy Sunday.

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